a nightmare a disaster Thursday, April 26, 2007no plans yet to change my layout and to tell the world that im using this one. 0_O . i'll update later. doing something. x DiaN was alive and kickin on 7:28 AM | Sunday, April 22, 2007
...but i can't it's been a week now since I've known my section for my second year in MaSci. Damn. I really don't know what happened to my luck (well, as if I'm lucky,[I am in some ways.]) I don't want to be a part of II-MARCONI! I admit the fact that I am pretty scared because I don't know anybody in that particular shitty section this time and the only person i know is Joshua and I hate him to death. He doesn't have any respect for people like me. He always say bad words at me, good thing he do not know how to hurt people physically because if he does, I'm going to tell my cousin. ^____^ LOL. x DiaN was alive and kickin on 12:02 AM | |
:: DiaN :: im a freak then a dork a punk but a loser im not a punk im nothing but a waste!!! throw me push me